Function isMatchDrawCompleted

  • Checks if a match is completed because of a draw.


    • match: {
          opponent1?: null | ({ id?: Id | null | undefined; position?: number | undefined; forfeit?: boolean | undefined; score?: number | undefined; result?: Result | undefined; });
          opponent2?: null | ({ id?: Id | null | undefined; position?: number | undefined; forfeit?: boolean | undefined; score?: number | undefined; result?: Result | undefined; });
          status?: Status;

      Partial match results.

      • Optional opponent1?: null | ({ id?: Id | null | undefined; position?: number | undefined; forfeit?: boolean | undefined; score?: number | undefined; result?: Result | undefined; })

        First opponent of the match.

      • Optional opponent2?: null | ({ id?: Id | null | undefined; position?: number | undefined; forfeit?: boolean | undefined; score?: number | undefined; result?: Result | undefined; })

        Second opponent of the match.

      • Optional status?: Status

        Status of the match.

    Returns boolean

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