Interface StageSettings

The possible settings for a stage.


  • StageSettings


balanceByes?: boolean

Whether to balance BYEs in the seeding of an elimination stage.

This prevents having BYE against BYE in matches.

consolationFinal?: boolean

Optional final between semi-final losers.

grandFinal?: GrandFinalType

Optional grand final between WB and LB winners.

  • If none, there is no grand final.
  • If simple, the final is a single match. The winner is the winner of the stage.
  • If double, if the WB winner wins, he's the winner of the stage. But if he loses, the final is reset and there is a very last match. It might be fairer since it gives the WB winner the right to lose once during the stage...
groupCount?: number

Number of groups in a round-robin stage.

manualOrdering?: number[][]

A list of seeds per group for a round-robin stage to be manually ordered.

Seed ordering is ignored if this property is given.

matchesChildCount?: number

All matches of the stage will have this child count. This can later be overridden for certain groups, rounds or matches.

roundRobinMode?: RoundRobinMode

The mode for the round-robin stage.

  • If simple, each participant plays each opponent once.
  • If double, each participant plays each opponent twice, once at home and once away.
seedOrdering?: SeedOrdering[]

A list of ordering methods to apply to the seeding.

  • For a round-robin stage: 1 item required (with "groups." prefix).
    • Used to distribute in groups.
  • For a simple elimination stage, 1 item required (without "groups." prefix).
    • Used to distribute in round 1.
  • For a double elimination stage, 1 item required, 3+ items supported (without "groups." prefix).
    • Item 1 (required) - Used to distribute in WB round 1.
    • Item 2 - Used to distribute WB losers in LB round 1.
    • Items 3+ - Used to distribute WB losers in LB minor rounds (1 per round).
size?: number

The number of participants.

skipFirstRound?: boolean

Whether to skip the first round of the WB of a double elimination stage.

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